When SHTF what will Silver and Gold do for you?

When SHTF what will Silver and Gold do for you?

Austin Quinton
The ones who prospered when Hyperinflation in the Weimar Republic, Zimbabwe or Argentina, were the ones that had Silver and Gold. Right now today 1 oz of Silver will buy a family of four 2 weeks worth of food in Argentina. There is a reason why Central Banks and Governments store these monetary metals in their vaults, and that is because when the SHTF and it takes a wheel barrow of cash to buy a loaf of bread, something has to become a unit of account and act as a medium of exchange and for the last 5000 years of recorded human history that medium of exchange has been Gold and Silver. The United States literally overthrew Gaddafi because he wanted to trade his oil for Gold and NOT the US Dollar. The US dollar is coming to an end with 31 Trillion Dollars in debt and a Debt to GDP ratio of 120%, this cannot continue and something has to break. Having Gold and Silver along with stored food, energy, and security will ensure that you come out ahead when the greatest bubble of all bubbles pops.

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